SDG: Decent Work and Economic Growth, stránka 2

  • Grand Garden

    Cena poroty

    Grand Garden is a vision of sustainability in the care of seniors with garden therapy. The population gets progressively older, the need for a dignified and effective care for the […]

  • Czechitas

    Male dominance in the IT industry poses a problem in today’s society and business growth. Not only does the disparity between men and women affects the technology companies but women […]

  • People In Safety

    Cena poroty

    The project „People In Safety“ integrates social, economic and technical aspects. The municipalities are offered an economically reasonable solution to cope with the needs of homeless people. The project also […]

  • Enterprising School

    Cena poroty

    With Entreprising School we want schools  to effectively use their capital and start-up or improve their own entrepreneurial activities. We also want students to learn entrepreneurship skills, to take over […]

  • Pragulic

    Community Award

    Pragulic is a social enterprise that challenge the stereotypes associated with homelessness by enabling people to experience the world from a homeless perspective.